Kingston Hill Branch: 020 8546 1407

Fairfield Branch: 020 8546 1771

Grove Crescent Branch: 020 8417 2204


Contact us online

How to register

Fairhill Medical Practice has an open list and welcomes requests for registration from ALL patients.

Please check that you live within our practice boundary before you complete the registration form.

We will still accept you if you are outside, however you will have no home visits and any face to face appointments will need to be attended in person.

Please use the electronic form below


You can register by for Children completing the relevant form below and either email ( or bring to the surgery.

Child Registration form – 0-12 years

Child Registration form – 13-16 years

If you wish to have on-line access to book appointments and order repeat prescriptions you will need to complete the Online Access form below and email this along with two forms of ID (Passport, driving licence etc. and proof of address).

On-line Access Form

Please bring this form with you to the branch. Also please see the information regarding the NHS Care Records Scheme from the link below.If you decide to Opt Out then please ask at the reception of your chosen branch for the opt out form.

We recommend that new patients undertake a health check with a practice nurse. This allows us to update your clinical records and start opportune health care.  Please book an appointment with any of the nurses at the practice as soon as you register.

Date published: 10th October, 2014
Date last updated: 6th September, 2024